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Website Maintenance

Website Maintenance is the process of keeping a website up-to-date and running smoothly as well as performing optimally.Website Maintenance includes tasks like ensuring all the links on your site are working, regularly updating content and fixing any broken links.It also involves more general tasks like  backing up your site regularly and monitoring your site’s performance.

There are number of tasks required to properly check and maintain a website ,including updating security software and plugins and meeting the  satisfaction of your site users.

Benifits of Website Maintenance

  1.   Business Reputation: Along the same line as first impressions,reputatiom is extremely  important in gaining customer’s trust.Some ways to uphold your online standing include having working links,adding 404 page for broken ones,updating plugins,freshening up content and abiding it.
  2.   SEO Strategy:Paying attention to website maintenance is essential for your site’s SEO strategy.Consider this opportunity to establish a routine process of monitoring and improving your website’s SEO, ranging from updating content to fixing broken sites links.
  3.   Security: A Website Maintenance plan helps protect your business from virtual threats. Regularly updating your security software and renewing your SSL certification provider help safeguard your site’s files.These are made up of sensitive information ,such as passwords and customers’ private data -credit card numbers and banking details.

Why the Site Maintenance is necessary

Website Maintenance is important for a numbers of  reasons, the most obvious being that it keeps yours website functioning properly. However , there  are other reasons to maintain your website on a regular basis, such as keeping your site looking fresh and updated,ensuring that visitors have a good experience when they visit and improving SEO.